Small Favors 1.0 to Release Around When It Releases 2022

Once again it's time for an update on the release of everyone's* favorite** RPG***, Small Favors. I'm the games Lead Developer/Assistant Developer/Only Developer/Anxiety Developer, here to tell you Why the Gosh Dang Thing Ain't'ent Done. It seems like only yesterday when the last devlog released. No really, I think I may have been cursed by a time wizard. Weeks have four and a half days, right?


Aside from killing a temporal magician, my month was uneventful. Small Favors testing has been continuing along at a supersonic pace. At a brisk pace. At a moderate pace. At a sort of okay pace. At the pace where you know they're not the most athletic but they're doing well not their best clearly it's a little below their best but the event is for charity so you're trying not to be critical but for the love of god it's only five kilometers and we're never going to get to brunch on time at this rate so you'd really appreciate it if they hurried the hell up and-


…Small Favors testing has been continuing along.


Why, it even has screenshots now! Such innovation!


Let's say you're here for actual, concrete information on development. First of all: You should know better by now. But second of all: I'm a little over 30 hours into my final, comprehensive testing run of the game, which for the record took much longer than 30 real-world hours. The total run-time should end up a little over 40 hours. What remains in-game is the final dungeon and late-game optional content, but these are also the parts that have been tested the least, so I'd realistically expect 1-2 more months of development. With any luck if there is another devlog on 8/31/22, it'll be the last before release. I'll see you there, assuming I haven't been unborn by a time wizard.


*Basically just mine****

**Among free RPG Maker games named Small Favors

***Role-Playing Game

****Okay it's like in my top 20

Get Small Favors

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